Category Archives: Biblical Greek names for Boys

Phero: A Royal Feel

Biblical Greek Baby boy name Phero

Learn more about the name Phero meaning “bear” The title Pharaoh has always been an intriguing one and it’s even been used, more often than we might think, as a name for babies in the US. (Although King and Princess reign on the name charts!) The Greek word Phero has nothing to do with royalty...

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    Thelo: Willing

    A name meaning purpose

    The name Thelo is close to Shakespeare’s “Othello” (but with out the depressing ending to that story.) It’s reminiscent of some modern favorites like Theo or Milo, with the bonus of a beautiful biblical meaning. Thelo Original Language + Form: Greek θέλω Range of Meanings: To will, intend, desire, wish Concept: To show willingness to act or...

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